Sweet Friday Font

Designed by Gamma Studio

Licensed as:
Free for Personal Use

Character Map

character map

About Sweet Friday

Sweet Friday is a sweet handwritten font that is made with great care in order to produce the expected outcomes. This font can be used for writing various kinds of products according to their respective needs.

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Free for Personal Use

Hello There,

The "Sweet Friday" font is free for PERSONAL USE ONLY.

This font is Demo Version (Without Additional Alternate Character, International Language, Swashes, and Ligatures.)

If you need for commercial use, you can buy the COMMERCIAL LICENSE to me on :

To Donate you can follow this link : https://paypal.me/IvanDezz

I really appreciate your donations..

Thank you :)

Halo, buat agency, designer, youtuber, atau siapa saja yang ingin menggunakan
font ini untuk kebutuhan KOMERSIL seperti poster film, pamflet promo, logo perusahaan, kaos,
dan sejenisnya bisa langsung membeli lisensinya di saya,

silahkan hubungi Email saya di:

NOTE: Menggunakan font milik Gamma Studio tanpa izin untuk kebutuhan komersil akan dikenakan biaya minimal $1000 atau Rp 15.000.000

Terima kasih

AccountGamma Studio